In addition to his achievements in the world of commerce, Mr. Makhzoumi has throughout his career participated in a wide range of public and political activities. He believes his economic and business experience gives him particular insight as to political and social situations, not only in Lebanon but also in the Arab World in general and he has long been viewed as a prominent figure in international, political and diplomatic circles. His involvement in public affairs intensified after the Lebanese civil war ended. He founded, in Lebanon, the National Dialogue Party (2004) and the Forum for National Dialogue (2013) and has acted since as their Secretary General. Mr Makhzoumi has been elected as a member of the Lebanese Parliament (2018), and re-elected for a new mandate in the general elections that took place on May 15, 2022.
Other key public activities include:
- A member of the Board of the US Middle East Project (USMEP) (1994 – 2018)
- President of the International Desalination Association (1995 – 1997)
- Vice Chairman of the Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (1995 – 1998)
- Member of the International Board of the Council on Foreign Relations: US/Middle East Project (1996)
- Member of the Board of the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) (2006 – 2010)
- Member of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (2008 – 2010)
- Member of the Board of the International Council for Middle East Studies (ICMES) (2009)
- Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (2009)
- Member of the De Gasperi Foundation (2012)
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Buck Institute (2013 – 2016)
- International Ambassador of the Regional CSR Network (Bahrain) (2014)
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies(ISPI) (Italy)(2017)
- Member of the Honorary Council of the International Desalination Association (IDA) (2018)
- Global Member of the Trilateral Commission (Europe) (2018)
- Member of the Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development (COMPSUD)(2018)
Mr. Makhzoumi has made a great many contributions and appearances in the print and broadcast media, including the “Alhiwar” newspaper which he founded in 1999 which was the first to issue a daily electronic newspaper, in English and Arabic, which is the “Mirror of the Arab Press”.
He sponsored a study on “Harnessing Trade for Development and Growth in the Middle East”, prepared by a group of experts selected by the US Council on Foreign Relations.
Mr Makhzoumi has attended conferences and lectured in international fora in politics and economics; to name but a few of the most recent ones: Euro Med Milano (2010 and 2012); Aspen Bosphorus Dialogue, International Conference, Istanbul (2012); Conference at the Italian Senate, Rome (2012); MENA Economic Forum, American University of Sharjah, UAE (2013); University Leadership Council – American University of Sharjah (2013); Valdai Discussion Club Forum, Marrakesh, Morocco, (2013); Visionary Entrepreneur Panels, Biel, Beirut (2013); Oil & Gas Le Havre Forum, France (2014); Regional CSR Network, Manama, Bahrain (2014); Forum for National Dialogue, Oil & Gas Forum, Beirut, Lebanon (2015); Dubai Forward 2016, UAE (2016).